Appealing to a Buyer's Senses

When buyers are on the hunt for a new home, they do something similar to speed dating where they move from house to house, comparing several properties, over a brief period of time to find that true ‘love’. And, like speed dating, first impressions make or break the outcome.

To sell your home, you need to appeal to all of the senses to make an emotional connection. You want it to look good, smell good, sound good, taste good and feel good. Here’s how:

Looking good

  • every aspect of your home needs to shine - from the curb appeal, through the house itself and into the backyard/property

  • re-establish each room’s original purpose (if you’ve been using say a bedroom as an office, stage it as a bedroom)

  • remember, the less you showcase your personal tastes, the better

Smelling good

  • the air needs to be clean and fresh, weather permitting, open windows to let the fresh air in

  • smoke - if you have smoked in the house, it will need to be professionally addressed - (this is the number one deterrent, hands down)

  • no artificial fragrances since this can give the message that you are trying to cover something up

  • ensure all garbage kept outside or in garage

  • pet odours are a big problem - make sure you’ve dealt with cat litter, etc. (lots of tips and tricks online)

Sounding good

  • set the mood so that buyers feel like lingering

  • if there’s a chance of road noise or noise from neighbours, close the windows!

  • keep in mind other house noises like leaky faucets or squeaky steps

  • Soft, pleasant music playing in the background is also an option

Tasting good

  • keep a simple treat on hand (wrapped candy or small candy bars) for buyers to enjoy or bottled water (snacking slows down buyers!)

Remember, buyers want to feel good!

The home shouldn’t cause any discomfort but rather be easy to navigate and pleasant to be in - this can include factors like the home’s temperature, floors being easy to walk on, walkways clear and safe, etc.

Bottom line is this - buyers often talk about falling in love with a house but it’s not necessarily the house … rather, it’s the concept of living in the house. You need to start a romance with the lifestyle your house represents. Remember, people buy aspirationally!
